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AOV vs. LTV: Why Customer Lifetime Value Matters

AOV vs. LTV: Why Customer Lifetime Value Matters

Bundling? Free shipping? Suggested items? All of these eCommerce strategies work toward the same goal: getting customers to buy more on each visit, increasing the average order value. And they hold an important place in boosting revenue for your eCommerce brand. But what about increasing the lifetime value of your customers? Focusing on increasing order...
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Why Do You Need to Rethink Your Customer’s Journey

Why Do You Need to Rethink Your Customer’s Journey

Customer journey mapping has become such a buzzword in business that 34% of companies are already implementing it into their customer service. However, the idea behind mapping the customer journey is quite intuitive. It’s an abstract thing that helps you visualize how customers are converting. While innovative at the time the idea was introduced, the...
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How to Build a Customer Retention Strategy

How to Build a Customer Retention Strategy

Are you burning thousands of dollars in advertising your product to prospects? Are your marketing efforts falling face first? Are quality leads difficult to generate?   Well, it’s time to make a big ‘U-turn’ and look towards your most important business asset- your existing customers.  Existing customers drive your business forward one transaction at a time....
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6 Email Management Tips to Keep Your Inbox in Order in 2024

6 Email Management Tips to Keep Your Inbox in Order in 2024

Email is still a crucial channel to master if you want to be successful. Brands have been sending more emails than ever, and marketers consider emails to be among the most effective online communication channels. Email marketing expert Dela Quist states: To not have an email address is the digital equivalent of being homeless However,...
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5 Golden Rules for Customer-Centric Copywriting Your Support Reps Should Use

5 Golden Rules for Customer-Centric Copywriting Your Support Reps Should Use

Your company is the best in the business. You have world-class products because you buy from the best suppliers using top-notch materials. Everyone buys from you and your competitors cannot even come close in matching your quality and product range! Strangely, for some reason, you can’t increase your market share and move forward. Even though...
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Leverage Your Business Growth with Customer Emotions

Leverage Your Business Growth with Customer Emotions

Identify and understand a customer’s drive and needs. It is an indispensable exercise that a business needs to do to ensure their long-term success. Most of the buyer’s decisions are influenced by their emotions. Tapping into consumer emotions can, thus, give you a significant edge over your competition; allowing you to flexibly pivot your business....
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6 Simple Customer Support Strategies For Small Businesses

6 Simple Customer Support Strategies For Small Businesses

Customer support is an important area for any business. No company can do without delighting its customers. Particularly today, when reviews for companies can be posted so easily on the internet, helping your customers as soon as problems arise is a crucial element to running a successful business. Customer service is one of the few...
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How to Improve Customer Experience Using Employee Feedback

How to Improve Customer Experience Using Employee Feedback

Organizations gather customer experience data through CSAT (customer satisfaction) surveys that are built into their help desk ticketing systems. Conducting such surveys helps them in finding out the challenges faced by customers over time. Gathering data from customers helps to improve their service experience as well. On the contrary, employee feedback is often ignored by...
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Tête-à-Tête with Annette Franz, The Customer Experience Veteran

Tête-à-Tête with Annette Franz, The Customer Experience Veteran

Customer support has become the topmost goal for any business. No company can afford to ignore the growing significance of customer support in times of today. Your competitors go from post to pillar to get hold of your customers. Customers prefer brands that delight them with excellent customer service and faster issue resolution. Here’s a...
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