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Your Guide to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Your Guide to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

Are you struggling to improve your IT operations? Are customers unhappy with the quality of your IT services?  Well, in that case, ITIL can prove to be a business saver. Historically, IT has always been undervalued. The IT department is simply considered responsible for managing information technology systems without having any impact on a company’s...
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Customer Experience Strategy Guide: Definition, Importance & Tips

Customer Experience Strategy Guide: Definition, Importance & Tips

Just like an architect is dependent on a blueprint for developing timeless buildings, your CX team is dependent on a good customer experience strategy to delight customers.  There is no doubt that customer experience has become the new brand differentiator. There are businesses spending billions of dollars to craft the right strategies that help them...
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What Is an Enterprise Service Management System?

What Is an Enterprise Service Management System?

While looking for ways to improve your IT and non-IT business services, you must have stumbled upon short yet heavy terms such as ESM or ITSM.  You must have thought to yourself, “What exactly is Enterprise Service Management (ESM)? And, can it really help my business in the long run?” It’s alright if you still...
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What Is IT Service Desk? Types, Benefits & Best Practices

What Is IT Service Desk? Types, Benefits & Best Practices

Technology is no more limited to Sci-Fi movies. Just look around yourself, and you will find you are surrounded more by technology- your computer, smartphone, internet, etc., than actual human beings.  One great gift of technology has been Information technology- or IT as we normally call it. The fabric of modern businesses is connected by...
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Top Benefits of Customer Service Reports

Top Benefits of Customer Service Reports

Imagine you walk into a customer service team meeting and you hear the manager say- “How are we performing? How many issues are we resolving daily? I need the numbers. Give me Data, Data, Data!”  And you think to yourself …  But why? Why data? Aren’t customer service professionals just supposed to have people skills...
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How a Collaborative Inbox Can Improve Your Customer Support Process

How a Collaborative Inbox Can Improve Your Customer Support Process

In the pre-email era, people had to write letters, wait for them to get delivered, and then wait again for days to get a response.  Soon came the Internet, and the rest is history!  Earlier, what took days or weeks, can now be achieved in a matter of seconds. Awesome! However, email-arguably one of the...
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Proactive VS Reactive Customer Service: Which One Should You Choose?

Proactive VS Reactive Customer Service: Which One Should You Choose?

Traditionally, the customer service industry revolved around the idea of waiting for a customer to encounter a problem and then offering the required solution. It’s the same as closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.  Now, here is the modern approach to customer service called proactive customer service that says- why wait for...
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10 Best Practices to Improve Shared Mail Inbox Management

10 Best Practices to Improve Shared Mail Inbox Management

When emails are coming in from multiple directions, managing shared inboxes can become quite a struggle. Factors such as email overload, lack of ownership, duplicate replies, and inefficient tracking can all add up to your email management woes.  So, is reaching ‘inbox zero’ leading to ‘productivity zero’?  By following the right shared inbox best practices,...
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Types of Help Desk Software & Which One Should You Choose?

Types of Help Desk Software & Which One Should You Choose?

Do you know what is common between a primitive tribal man living in the jungles of Africa and a modern entrepreneur sitting in his New York office?  They both need the right tools to survive.  From wooden spears to sophisticated business software, tools have rapidly evolved to reduce human efforts and improve efficiency.  One such...
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