
What is Customer Support Software?

Customer support software is a popular business tool that helps you manage all customer service conversations in one place. Whether customers share their concerns via email or reach out to your business over live chat, you can store, organize, and track every conversation. With the help of the best customer support software, agents can prioritize issues, automate tasks, and delight customers.

What Are the Benefits of Using Customer Support Software?

Centralize Conversations
Centralize Conversations

Today customers have a wide spectrum of channels available when it comes to contacting a business for support. Service support software helps you centralize conversations from email, phone, live chat, social media, and web forms.

Increase Support Efficiency
Increase Support Efficiency

A help desk customer support tool can help you automate tasks, workflows, and processes. Instead of manually managing customer issues, you can leverage automation and dedicate your efforts towards customer delight.

Monitor Customer Experience
Monitor Customer Experience

With a customer support system, you can share CSAT, NPS surveys with customers across multiple touchpoints in their journey. Monitoring these metrics over time will help you identify bottlenecks and improve the customer experience (CX).

Enhance Customer Loyalty
Enhance Customer Loyalty

When customers can reach your business on their favorite channels and get a faster resolution to their problems, they are bound to be happy. These customers will love to buy again and recommend your brand to their friends or family members.

Boost Team Collaboration
Boost Team Collaboration

With the right tool at your disposal, your team can collaborate in real-time and resolve tickets faster. For instance, they can use private notes to discuss tickets or leave important notes for future reference.

Manage High-Priority Issues
Manage High-Priority Issues

Due to an increasing volume of support tickets, it might get difficult to choose which ones to resolve first. With an online support tool, you can organize tickets based on their priority and ensure high-priority tickets are resolved first.

Who Can Use Customer Service Software?

Businesses & Enterprises

Small and mid-size businesses can use a customer support tool to manage all incoming customer issues. By automating manual tasks, they can focus on offering a personalized and delightful customer experience.


Enterprises are large corporations that need powerful help desk features to assist a wide customer base. With the right tool, they can scale their support process and monitor performance with AI-powered reports.

Consumer Segments

B2B (Business-to-business) organizations can leverage customization options to offer seamless support to their business clients. They can even track the time spent resolving tickets and bill clients accordingly.


B2C (Business-to-consumer) organizations can easily offer omni channel customer service to their audience. They can encourage self-service with a knowledge base and assist customers in real-time via chat or web forms.

Customer Service Teams

Customer service representatives spend the most amount of time tracking and resolving tickets using a customer service software solution. They can see all incoming requests on their dashboard in real-time and collaborate effortlessly.


Customer service managers can use this tool to track the entire customer support process. They can see who is working on what, assign tickets to agents, and monitor their day-to-today performance.

Try it Free

Manage, Track & Close Tickets Faster

Stay on top of all support tickets with a shared inbox

Create and assign customer support tickets to relevant agents with a shared inbox. Customer support software equips your agents to manage and track tickets from start to finish. Create departments such as @sales, @support, @billing, etc, and automate ticket routing. Closing tickets faster is simple with our customer support solution.

  • tick ProProfs chat tick Collaborate with shared inbox
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Assign tickets to relevant agents
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Create departments & auto-route tickets
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Close tickets instantly & effectively

Resolve Customer Tickets Collaboratively

Label, prioritize, & communicate using private internal comments
Resolve customer tickets collaboratively

Use labels to categorize customer tickets on the basis of departments or question types, and make it easier for your agents to get back to the customer instantly. You can also prioritize urgent tasks so that your agents know which tickets need to be addressed first. Add private notes to tickets and collaborate to discuss bottle-necks. Bridge the communication gap among agents with the best customer support software.

  • tick ProProfs chat tick Categorize tickets easily with labels
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Resolve high-priority tickets first
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Discuss tickets using private notes
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Bridge communication gap among agents

Plays Nicely With Other Tools

Get more out of your customer support system with powerful integrations

Delighted customers don’t happen by accident - they happen when you have the software you need to succeed. Our customer service and support software helps you encourage collaboration among departments and offer 360-degree support to customers.

  • tick ProProfs chat tick Customers love access to 24/7 support with online knowledge base, user manuals, FAQs, etc.
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Adding live chat means customers can contact you right on your website.
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Our surveys make it easy to track customer satisfaction and constantly improve service.
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Integrate with CRM solutions such as Salesforce and bridge the gap between sales and support.
customer support system with powerful integrations

Monitor Agent Performance & Customer Satisfaction

Get happier customers by tracking performance of agents & tickets

Create insightful reports and monitor metrics such as the average response time, agent ratings, average resolution time, etc. This gives you a transparent look at your customer support process and makes it easier for you to understand where your team needs to improve. Analyze customer support reports and train your agents accordingly. Take your customer experience to the next level by monitoring metrics such as CSAT and NPS.

  • tick ProProfs chat tick Create insightful reports
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Monitor Agent performance
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Analyze reports & train your employees
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Monitor CSAT & NPS

Essential Features of Customer Support Software

  • Live Chat Integration
    Live Chat Integration

    With the live chat integration, you can assist customers directly from your website or help center. Unlike email, where customers have to wait for hours to get a reply, you can interact with customers via live chat in real-time.

  • Self-Service

    A lot of customers look for answers online when they have a query about your products or services. You can create a self-service knowledge base to empower customers to resolve their common issues on their own.

  • Ticket Prioritization
    Ticket Prioritization

    The best customer service software can help you organize tickets based on their level of urgency. You can prioritize tickets as “High”, “Low”, or “Normal” priority and make sure agents know which tickets demand their immediate attention.

  • Canned Responses
    Canned Responses

    Customers may have common questions about your product features, return policy, delivery timeline, etc. You can create canned responses for email and chat to respond to such common queries in the fastest way possible.

  • AI-Powered Reports
    AI-Powered Reports

    For delightful customer service, you need the right data at your fingertips. CS tools help you generate in-depth reports to gauge your agent’s daily, weekly, and monthly performance and measure the overall customer satisfaction.

  • Chatbots

    Customer support software allows you to create chatbots that are powerful enough to interact with customers, share help articles, and generate leads. Well-developed chatbots can help you assist customers even when your team is offline.

Choosing the Right Customer Support Software

How choose customer support software

Choosing the right customer support solution can be a daunting experience if you have no idea where to start. After all, multiple vendors don't miss highlighting how their product is at least three ticks better than others. If you are sailing on the same boat, here are some factors to consider.

  • tick ProProfs chat tick Understand what “delightful customer service” means to your business
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Figure out what customers expect from your brand Jot down the features that will help you achieve goals and meet customer expectations
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Go for SaaS-based software that offers anytime, anywhere access
  • tick ProProfs chat tick Monitor CSAT & NPS


  • Everyone should give it a try!
    I love ProProfs user experience. The interface is easy to use yet packed with powerful settings.
    Daniel Stein
    Professor Daniel Stein

    Director of Technology Initiatives, Touro College

  • Excellent Customer Service!
    ProProfs support is one of the best I have experienced. They truly care about their customers and deliver resolutions fast.
    Bill Wisell
    Bill Wisell

    Health Licensing Coordinator, Nebraska Department of Human and Health Services

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ProProfs Help Desk Software Capterra Review
ProProfs Help Desk Software SoftwareSuggest Review
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ProProfs Help Desk Software G2Crowd Review
ProProfs Help Desk Software SaaSGenius Review
ProProfs Help Desk Software CrozDesk Review

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