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Cognitive VS Emotional Empathy: How to Build a Business Culture Around Both

Cognitive VS Emotional Empathy: How to Build a Business Culture Around Both

The contemporary business world is flooded with the dog-eat-dog corporate mentality. Entrepreneurs are always advised that to taste success, they need to be ruthless, competitive, and above all, pragmatic. Amidst all this unsentimental chaos, empathy often takes the back seat. Will the real CEO (Chief Empathy Officer) please stand up? The average entrepreneur will tell...
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Why Help Desk Software Is Important For Businesses?

Why Help Desk Software Is Important For Businesses?

A help desk software is important for businesses serving customers. When businesses offer a delightful customer experience, sales increase. Customers become brand loyals and refrain from brand switching. 74 percent of people are likely to switch brands, in case they find the purchasing process difficult. A help desk ticketing system automates the workflow of issue...
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How to Choose the Best Help Desk Software in Simple Steps

How to Choose the Best Help Desk Software in Simple Steps

There comes a time when managing your customer issues is no longer possible using spreadsheets or post-it notes. Help desk software seems like the only solution that can automate your support process and keep customers happy.  Now, when you raise the question- how to choose help desk software, there are literally thousands of things that...
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What Is Help Desk Software? [Benefits, Types & Examples]

What Is Help Desk Software? [Benefits, Types & Examples]

As customers increasingly expect swift, effective, and personalized assistance, companies are turning to help desk software as an essential tool to meet these demands.  But what is help desk software?  At its core, help desk software is the nerve center for managing customer inquiries and support requests. It is a must-have tool for everyone, from...
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15 Best Help Desk Practices & Principles for 2024

15 Best Help Desk Practices & Principles for 2024

Every business in this world, whether it’s a Silicon Valley startup or a Global business giant like Microsoft, has customers who demand top-notch assistance. The truth is that your business will have to deal with innumerable issues, requests, or complaints as long as your business has customers.   In such a situation, a help desk software...
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11 Best Canned Response Templates for Customer Support Emails

11 Best Canned Response Templates for Customer Support Emails

We all have heard entrepreneurs say “work smarter, not just harder.” But when customer support members have a dozen tasks to complete, and an endless number of customer queries to handle, the idea of working smarter appears delusional and working harder – all the more practical.  However, fortunately enough, we have canned responses that can...
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How to Improve Customer Experience in Call Centers

How to Improve Customer Experience in Call Centers

From the first telephone call made by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 to the billions of phone calls that connect people every day, we’ve come a long way. However, not all phone conversations are a pleasant exchange of thoughts. Remember when you tried dialing a customer care number only to experience a painful never-ending hold...
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What is a Ticket Management System?

What is a Ticket Management System?

A growing customer base is like a blossoming garden that needs constant care and attention. But with more customers comes more support issues, hundreds of request emails, and phones ringing non-stop in your customer service department. Sounds familiar?  To stay ahead of the curve and rise above these challenges, a ticket management system can prove...
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Simplify Your Customer Service Experience & Delight Customers With Help Desk

Simplify Your Customer Service Experience & Delight Customers With Help Desk

From the initial buying interactions to after-sales, the customer service process is getting increasingly complicated. Rather than attracting customers to their business, entrepreneurs are pushing them away with overwhelming engagement and outdated service policies.  Are you trying too hard to please your customers?  The truth is that when you make your customer service process too...
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30 Customer Service Tips for Delightful Customer Experiences

30 Customer Service Tips for Delightful Customer Experiences

From a Fortune 500 company to a day-old startup, almost every business is searching for the best customer service tips. But what can be the possible reason?  It needs no mention that buyers love excellent customer service.  Think about it, haven’t you returned to a company that treated you well and gave importance to your...
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