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What Is Customer Service Management (CSM)?  Importance & Examples (Guide)

What Is Customer Service Management (CSM)? Importance & Examples (Guide)

Successful businesses know that acquiring new customers is only half the battle won. How quickly and efficiently you serve your existing customers can make all the difference.  Whether customers contact your business during the awareness phase or the post-sales stage, effective customer service management (CSM) can ensure they have a delightful experience.  By implementing the...
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Ticketing System Guide: Definition, Features & Benefits Explained

Ticketing System Guide: Definition, Features & Benefits Explained

If you handle a customer service team, you know life at the office is nothing short of a battlefield. One second, there is an email complaint shared by an existing customer; the next, there is an inquiry by a prospect demanding urgent attention.  A powerful support ticketing system can help you turn this chaos into...
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10 Best Help Desk Software for Schools and Universities

10 Best Help Desk Software for Schools and Universities

As young kids, we were always encouraged to ask questions – Why is the sky blue? Where do babies come from? How can Santa Claus reach all the kids in one night?  While your educational institution may not have answers to these questions, you must be able to answer all queries and doubts related to...
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10 Help Desk Examples and Types You Should Know

10 Help Desk Examples and Types You Should Know

Managing customer requests and complaints is an uphill battle without the right technology and team in place.  While searching for the right technology for your support team, you will likely come across multiple help desk examples and types – IT, HR, technical support, or multilingual help desk.  Whether you are looking for a help desk...
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CRM vs. Ticketing System: How Are They Different?

CRM vs. Ticketing System: How Are They Different?

In this battle of CRM vs ticketing system, which tool deserves your attention?  If you prepare a list of the most popular tools used by modern organizations, you will likely find CRM and help desk ticketing systems in the top five.  A CRM is primarily used by sales and marketing teams to access customer data...
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Customer Success vs. Customer Experience: 5 Key Differences

Customer Success vs. Customer Experience: 5 Key Differences

Do you feel a sense of confusion around the terms customer success vs. customer experience? You are not alone.  Business terminologies can seem greek to most people. But understanding the smallest of differences between important terms can help you become a customer-centric brand.  The quality of both customer success and customer experience can help you...
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HR Ticketing System: Definition, Benefits & Use Cases

HR Ticketing System: Definition, Benefits & Use Cases

Human resource professionals are considered the unsung heroes of any organization. But increasing attrition rates, employee expectations, and hiring challenges have put these heroes in deep water.  So what can you do to support those who support your valuable employees? An HR ticketing system can help your team rise above hundreds of paper resumes and...
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How to Use Customer Pain Points to Improve Business Processes

How to Use Customer Pain Points to Improve Business Processes

If you look closely, you will find that all great inventions were born out of pain points. The pain of commuting on land was solved by aviation technology; real-time communication was made a reality via the internet.  Similarly, for 21st-century entrepreneurs to create everlasting products and woo a wider audience, they need to address customer...
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Service Request Management Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Service Request Management Guide: Everything You Need to Know

IT support teams are always dealing with end-user complaints, inquiries, and service requests. But can you really delight end-users if you don’t know how to differentiate between them?  When you run a business, service requests can come in from all directions. While an employee requests for a new laptop to be issued to them, hundreds...
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10 Customer Complaint Response Templates that Work Like a Charm

10 Customer Complaint Response Templates that Work Like a Charm

Wouldn’t it be great if your favorite brands never made a mistake? Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world. Think of any Fortune100 companies (Apple, Disney, Amazon), and you will see they have one thing in common – they still receive customer complaints. “When your customer complains, it is really an opportunity to show...
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