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15 Best E-Commerce Tools to Grow Your Online Business in 2024

Best ECommerce Tools

If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur, I understand you have a lot on your plate – you may constantly be worried about rising competition, poor customer service, failing marketing tactics, and so on. 

But don’t worry; there is light at the end of the tunnel. The good news is that the best eCommerce tools are available to rise above any challenges you may be facing. 

From the best customer support software to the most popular analytics tools for e-commerce, I will share tools across multiple categories. The right combination of these tools will help you bring more eyes to your online store, track website performance, and enhance the CX. 

Let’s go! 

E-Commerce Customer Support Tools

In this section, I will talk about various e-commerce tools in great detail. The tools fall under various categories, such as customer support, SEO and marketing, analytics, research, social media, and more. 

1. ProProfs Help Desk – Best Automated Ticketing System for E-Commerce 

For any e-commerce business catering to online shoppers in an instant is of utmost importance. ProProfs Help Desk the best help desk software helped us assist shoppers via live chat and a powerful shared inbox. 

I’m confident you’ll appreciate the advanced automation features designed to minimize human mistakes, improve productivity, and increase customer happiness. For example, tickets can be automatically assigned to the appropriate team members or departments, you can distribute email notifications automatically and schedule help desk reports

Also, I recommend setting up an online knowledge base with FAQs about product returns, refunds, billing, payment methods, and more to enable customers to resolve their queries on their own.

The best part is that you can quickly set up a customer portal to allow shoppers to track their past and ongoing tickets or submit new ones if needed. Simply more power to your customers! 

What you’ll like:

  • Easy-to-embed web forms allow customers to share detailed information about issues
  • Automated CSAT surveys help you capture customer feedback
  • Canned responses to share one-click replies to common questions
  • Ticket prioritization to keep urgent tickets under control

What you won’t like:

  • Frequent feature updates can be overwhelming for some users
  • Lacks social media ticketing options


FREE plan available. Plans start at $19.99/user/month for 2 or more users. No hidden fees. A 15-day money-back guarantee.

2. ProProfs Chat – Best for Instant Customer Support with Powerful Chatbots

ProProfs Chat transformed the way my business interacts with customers online. This tool’s real-time chat capability has been a game-changer for offering instant support and boosting sales conversions. It’s incredibly user-friendly, making it easy for my team to manage chats, even during peak traffic hours.

The live chat software is versatile, allowing us to engage visitors with proactive chat invitations based on their behavior on our website. We’ve been able to guide them through their buyer’s journey, answer their queries instantly, and even collect feedback seamlessly.

What’s impressive about ProProfs Chat is its integration with chatbots. These bots have enabled us to provide 24/7 support, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure that no customer query goes unanswered, even outside business hours.

Integrating ProProfs Chat with other tools, like ProProfs Help Desk, has further streamlined our support system. It allows us to convert chat conversations into tickets effortlessly, ensuring that more complex issues are tracked and resolved systematically.

What you’ll like:

  • Real-time chat support ensures instant communication with visitors, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Behavioral triggers for proactive chats help engage visitors at the right moment, potentially increasing sales.
  • Chatbot integration offers 24/7 support, handling common queries and freeing up human agents for more complex issues.
  • Easy integration with other tools like ProProfs Help Desk, enhancing the overall support system’s efficiency.

What you won’t like:

  • More industry-specific chatbot templates should be added. 
  • Although the free plan offers all premium features, it is limited to a single operator. 


Starts at $19..99/operator/month 

3. Freshdesk – Best for Streamlining Customer Conversations Across Channels

Freshdesk - Best for Streamlining Customer Conversations Across Channels
Image Source: Freshdesk

As a cloud-based customer support software, Freshdesk enabled my team to bring all our customer conversations into a single, easy-to-use platform. Whether it was emails, social media messages, or live chat, Freshdesk made it manageable.

I’m sure you will like its ticketing system, which organizes conversations and ensures no customer query goes unnoticed. 

Another highlight is the self-service options Freshdesk offers. Our customers love the knowledge base and forums, where they can find answers themselves, reducing the overall ticket volume.

On the downside, Freshdesk’s pricing can escalate quickly as you add more advanced features and integrations.

What you’ll like:

  • Unified ticketing system for emails, social media, and live chats, ensuring efficient management of customer queries.
  • Automation of routine tasks like ticket assignment and prioritization, improving response times and productivity.
  • Self-service options, including a comprehensive knowledge base and forums, help reduce ticket volume.
  • Seamless integrations with other business tools offering a 360-degree view of customer interactions.

What you won’t like:

  • Occasional complexity in navigation and setting up certain features, especially for new users.
  • Pricing can escalate quickly as you opt for more advanced features and integrations.


Starts at $15/user/month 

Best E-Commerce Platforms 

4. Shopify – Best for Building & Scaling Your Online Store

Image Source: Shopify

Shopify has been instrumental in the success of my online store. It’s not just an e-commerce platform; it’s a comprehensive solution that provides everything needed to create, manage, and grow an online business. The ease of setting up a store, even with no technical background, is remarkable.

The variety of themes and customization options allowed me to design my store exactly how I envisioned it. Shopify’s robust product management system made it easy to add products, manage inventory, and track sales.

What truly sets Shopify apart is its integrated payment solution, Shopify Payments, which simplifies the checkout process for customers. Additionally, the ability to integrate with multiple sales channels, including social media and online marketplaces, can significantly expand your store’s reach.

What you’ll like:

  • User-friendly platform makes it easy to set up and manage your online store without technical expertise.
  • A wide range of customization options allows for a highly personalized store appearance.
  • Integrated payment solution (Shopify Payments) simplifies the checkout process.
  • Extensive integration with sales channels and apps expands your store’s reach and functionality.

What you won’t like:

  • Monthly fees and transaction costs can add up, especially as you utilize more features.
  • Limited content management capabilities for those looking to focus on content marketing within their e-commerce strategy.


Starts at $29/month 

5. WooCommerce – Best for Integrating E-Commerce With WordPress

Image Source: Pixartprinting.co.uk

WooCommerce transformed our WordPress website into a fully functional e-commerce store with minimal effort. It’s a powerful, extendable plugin that seamlessly integrates with your site, maintaining the aesthetic and functionality of your existing design.

The flexibility WooCommerce offers is unmatched. I can sell anything, anywhere – from physical products and digital downloads to appointments and subscriptions. Its open-source nature means customization possibilities are endless, allowing me to tailor every aspect of my store to meet specific needs.

The extensive plugin ecosystem is another boon. Whether it’s payment gateways, shipping methods, or marketing tools, there’s almost always a plugin for any functionality you can think of.

While WooCommerce itself is free, many of the more advanced features require paid extensions. However, this pay-as-you-grow model has been cost-effective for my business, allowing me to invest in additional functionalities as my store expands.

What you’ll like:

  • Seamless integration with WordPress, preserving the look and feel of your site while adding e-commerce capabilities.
  • Extensive customization options thanks to its open-source nature and vast plugin ecosystem.
  • Ability to sell anything, anywhere—physical products, digital downloads, appointments, and more.
  • Cost-effective with its free core plugin and pay-as-you-grow model for extensions.

What you won’t like:

  • Dependency on plugins for advanced features can lead to high costs and potential compatibility issues.
  • Requires more hands-on management and technical knowledge


Custom pricing

E-Commerce Analytics Tools

6. Google Analytics – Best for In-depth Website Analytics 

Google Analytics - Best for In-depth Website Analytics
Image Source: Google Support 

Google Analytics has been indispensable in understanding my e-commerce site’s performance. It goes beyond basic visitor metrics, offering deep insights into user behavior, conversion paths, and the effectiveness of my marketing efforts.

The ability to track e-commerce transactions and revenue makes it easy to measure the ROI of my advertising spend. I can see which products are popular, how users navigate my site, and where they drop off during the purchase process.

Customizable dashboards and reports allow me to focus on the metrics that matter most to my business. Plus, the integration with Google Ads and other marketing platforms provides a holistic view of my online presence.

While Google Analytics is incredibly powerful, there can be a steep learning curve to unlock its full potential. 

What you’ll like:

  • Comprehensive tracking capabilities provide insights into user behavior, e-commerce transactions, and website performance.
  • Integration with Google Ads and other platforms for a complete overview of your marketing effectiveness.
  • Customizable dashboards and reports focus on the metrics that matter most.
  • Free to use, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.

What you won’t like:

  • Steep learning curve to understand and utilize its full capabilities.
  • Privacy concerns and data handling regulations may require additional measures to comply with laws like GDPR.


Free for all users. 

7. Hotjar – Best for Visualizing User Behavior 

Hotjar - Best for Visualizing User Behavior
Image Source: Digitiz.fr

Hotjar has been a revelation for understanding how visitors interact with my e-commerce site. Unlike traditional analytics tools that offer numbers and graphs, Hotjar provides visual insights into user behavior through heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys.

Heatmaps have been particularly useful, showing me exactly where users click, scroll, and ignore, which has informed many design and navigation improvements on my site. Session recordings are like looking over the shoulder of your visitors, offering a unique perspective on their browsing experience that you can’t get from numbers alone.

The ability to collect direct feedback through polls and surveys is invaluable. It’s one thing to see what users do, but another to understand why they do it. This direct line of communication will surely help you address user needs more effectively.

What you’ll like:

  • Visual insights through heatmaps and session recordings that provide a clear understanding of user behavior.
  • Direct user feedback via polls and surveys helps understand the ‘why’ behind user actions.
  • Easy to install and use, with a straightforward interface and setup process.
  • Integrates with other tools, enhancing its functionality and the insights you can gather.

What you won’t like:

  • Interpreting data can be subjective and requires a learning curve to make effective changes.
  • Privacy concerns need careful management, especially with session recordings.


Starts at $32/month

E-Commerce Research Tools

 8. JungleScout – Best for Amazon Sellers 

Image Source: FBA Masterclass

JungleScout has been a powerful tool for our Amazon selling strategy. It’s not just a tool; it’s an all-in-one platform that has empowered me to find profitable products, research competitors, and optimize my product listings for higher visibility and sales.

The product database is incredibly useful for uncovering hidden gems and understanding market demand. Keyword Scout helped refine my SEO strategy, ensuring my products appear in relevant searches.

One of the standout features is the sales estimator, which provides an accurate picture of potential earnings. This will help you make informed decisions about which products to stock.

While JungleScout offers a wealth of data and tools, it’s important to note that the Amazon marketplace is highly competitive, and success isn’t guaranteed just by using the tool. Additionally, the cost can be a barrier for new sellers just starting out.

What you’ll like:

  • Comprehensive product research tools make it easy to find and evaluate profitable products.
  • Keyword research and optimization tools enhance product visibility.
  • Sales estimator offers valuable insights into potential revenue.
  • Extensive resources and support, including training materials and a community of sellers.

What you won’t like:

  • Cost can be prohibitive for new sellers or those with a limited budget.
  • Steep learning curve to fully utilize all features and interpret data effectively.


Starts at $29/month 

9. Semrush – Best for E-Commerce SEO & Marketing 

Semrush - Best for E-Commerce SEO & Marketing
Image Source: Semrush 

Almost every digital marketer has heard about or used Semrush. Yes, it’s really that popular. 

Semrush offers a suite of tools that cover SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social media analytics. Its ability to provide competitive intelligence and keyword research has significantly improved our online visibility and traffic.

The site audit feature is particularly valuable, highlighting issues affecting my site’s performance in search rankings and providing actionable recommendations for improvement. With Semrush, you can also track your PPC campaigns, monitor brand mentions, and analyze your social media presence in one place.

While the depth of data and tools available is impressive, it can be overwhelming for beginners. 

What you’ll like:

  • Extensive SEO and PPC toolset, including keyword research, site audit, and competitor analysis.
  • Social media and content marketing analytics provide insights into your content strategy’s performance.
  • Competitive intelligence features allow you to benchmark against competitors and uncover their strategies.
  • Comprehensive reports and insights help refine your marketing efforts and increase ROI.

What you won’t like:

  • Learning curve for navigating and utilizing the full range of features effectively.
  • Pricing can be significant, especially to access advanced features and capabilities.


Starts at $129.95/month 

E-Commerce Tools for Feedback 

10. Qualaroo – Best for Collecting Actionable Customer Feedback

Qualaroo - Best for Collecting Actionable Customer Feedback
Image Source: Qualaroo

Qualaroo has enabled me to gather deep insights into my customers’ thoughts and behaviors through its targeted surveys and feedback tools. What sets it apart is the ability to conduct surveys at critical points in the customer journey, providing real-time, actionable feedback.

The Nudge™ technology allows for unobtrusive surveys that can be customized based on user behavior, ensuring higher response rates. Integration with analytics tools like Google Analytics enhances the value of the feedback by correlating it with user actions and patterns.

While Qualaroo offers invaluable insights into customer preferences and pain points, creating surveys that generate meaningful responses can take some time for first-time users. 

What you’ll like:

  • Targeted surveys at key points in the customer journey for relevant, actionable feedback.
  • High customization and targeting options ensure surveys reach the right audience at the right time.
  • Integration with analytics tools provides a deeper understanding of customer behavior.
  • Insightful analytics and reporting to make data-driven decisions.

What you won’t like:

  • Designing effective surveys requires a thoughtful approach and may have a learning curve.
  • Cost may be prohibitive for smaller operations or those with limited budgets.


Starts at $19.99/100 responses/month

11. ProProfs Survey Maker – Best for Ready-to-Use Survey Templates

What if I told you that you can create and embed beautiful surveys for your online shoppers in minutes? Yes, you heard that right! 

With an extensive library of ready-to-use survey templates, ProProfs Survey Maker lets me quickly deploy professional-looking surveys, quizzes, and polls on my online store. The platform is incredibly user-friendly, making it easy to customize surveys to fit the specific needs of my business. 

Whether gathering customer feedback, conducting market research, or measuring customer satisfaction, ProProfs Survey Maker offers the flexibility and tools needed to collect meaningful data.

What you’ll like:

  • Extensive library of ready-to-use templates simplifies the process of creating professional surveys.
  • User-friendly interface makes customizing surveys, quizzes, and polls easy.
  • Seamless integrations with marketing and CRM tools enhance data management and application.
  • Effective for a wide range of applications, from customer feedback to market research.

What you won’t like:

  • Limited customization and analysis features for advanced research needs.
  • Dependent on the template library for quick survey creation, which may not suit all niche requirements.


Starts at $$9.99/100 responses/month

Read More: Top 30 Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions to Ask

E-Commerce Inventory Management 

12. Ecomdash – Best for Streamlining E-Commerce Inventory Management

 Ecomdash - Best for Streamlining E-Commerce Inventory Management
Image Source: Trustradius

Ecomdash has been a lifeline for managing my e-commerce inventory across multiple platforms. Its ability to synchronize inventory levels in real-time, across all my sales channels, has eliminated the headache of overselling and stockouts.

The tool integrates seamlessly with major online marketplaces and e-commerce platforms, making it easy to manage listings, process orders, and update inventory from a single dashboard. The auto-syncing feature for inventory levels is a game-changer, ensuring consistent information across all channels.

While Ecomdash excels in inventory management, its interface and navigation can be clunky. Additionally, the initial setup and integration with all your sales channels can be time-consuming.

What you’ll like:

  • Real-time inventory synchronization across multiple sales channels prevents overselling and stockouts.
  • Comprehensive platform integration with marketplaces and e-commerce platforms simplifies operations.
  • Automated inventory management features, including auto-syncing and order processing.
  • Reporting and analytics provide insights into inventory performance and sales trends.

What you won’t like:

  • User interface can feel outdated and may be less intuitive for new users.
  • Setup and integration process can be complex and time-consuming.


Starts at $25 for up to 100 sales orders per month 

13. Fishbowl Inventory – Best for Manufacturing & Warehouse Inventory Management

Fishbowl Inventory - Best for Manufacturing & Warehouse Inventory Management
Image Source: Stackby.com 

Fishbowl Inventory has been integral to managing my e-commerce business’s manufacturing and warehouse operations. It’s a robust solution for inventory control, order management, and manufacturing process tracking, designed to scale with your business.

The software excels in creating work orders, managing parts and materials, and tracking the manufacturing process from start to finish. Its powerful warehouse management features, including barcode scanning and order fulfillment, streamline operations and improve efficiency.

However, Fishbowl’s comprehensive features come with a complex setup and a steep learning curve. Moreover, the cost may be significant for small businesses looking for a simpler solution.

What you’ll like:

  • Comprehensive inventory and order management tailored for manufacturing and warehouse operations.
  • Integration with QuickBooks and other accounting software.
  • Advanced manufacturing features support work orders, bill of materials, and manufacturing processes.
  • Warehouse management tools, such as barcode scanning and automated order fulfillment, enhance efficiency.

What you won’t like:

  • Complex setup and steep learning curve require time and effort to fully leverage the system.
  • The tool’s general UI seems quite outdated.


Custom pricing 

E-Commerce Popup Tools 

14. Picreel – Best for Capturing & Converting Website Visitors

Picreel has revolutionized the way I capture leads and convert visitors on my e-commerce site. By implementing targeted exit-intent popups and offers, I’ve significantly increased my conversion rates and reduced cart abandonment.

The tool’s real-time analytics allow me to adjust campaigns on the fly, ensuring that I’m always presenting the most effective offers to my visitors. Customization options are plentiful, allowing popups to match the look and feel of my site perfectly.

While Picreel is powerful in converting visitors into leads or customers, creating highly effective campaigns requires a bit of experimentation and optimization. 

What you’ll like:

  • Targeted exit-intent technology increases conversion rates by capturing visitors before they leave.
  • Extensive customization options ensure popups match your site’s design and brand identity.
  • Real-time analytics to monitor and optimize campaigns for better results.
  • Easy integration with a wide range of e-commerce platforms and email marketing services.

What you won’t like:

  • Experimentation required to find the most effective campaigns.
  • Potential to impact user experience if popups are perceived as intrusive.


Starts at $9.99 per 10,000 visitors/month

15. OptinMonster – Best for Growing Your Email List 

OptinMonster - Best for Growing Your Email List
Image Source: Comparecamp.com

OptinMonster has been a key player in my strategy to grow my email list and improve my site’s conversion rates. Its powerful lead generation software allows me to create engaging opt-in forms and targeted campaigns that turn visitors into subscribers and customers.

The drag-and-drop builder makes it easy to design custom forms without needing any coding knowledge. Advanced targeting rules and campaign triggers ensure that my offers reach the right people at the right time, significantly increasing engagement.

However, maximizing OptinMonster’s potential requires a strategic approach to campaign creation and audience segmentation. 

What you’ll like:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop builder for creating custom opt-in forms and campaigns.
  • Advanced targeting and trigger options tailor campaigns to visitor behavior and preferences.
  • A/B testing and analytics help refine strategies and improve conversion rates.
  • Seamless integration with e-commerce platforms and email marketing tools enhances campaign effectiveness.

What you won’t like:

  • Requires strategic planning to fully leverage advanced features.
  • Shopify and WooCommerce integrations are only available in the most-expensive plan (Growth). 


Starts at $9/month 

16. Uppromote – Best Affiliate Marketing Software

Uppromote - Best Affiliate Marketing Software

Uppromote stands out as a top affiliate marketing tool, designed to simplify the management and tracking of affiliate programs. Its user-friendly dashboard allows businesses to manage their affiliate marketing efforts with minimal effort, making it accessible to both beginners and seasoned marketers.

One of Uppromote’s key strengths is its comprehensive tracking and reporting capabilities. The platform provides real-time insights into clicks, conversions, sales, and commissions, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their affiliate programs effectively.

Businesses can easily recruit, onboard, and manage affiliates through the platform. Customizable commission rates, cookie durations, and promotional materials ensure that affiliates have the necessary resources to succeed. 

What you’ll like:

  • The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it accessible to both beginners and experienced marketers.
  • Detailed analytics and real-time tracking enable businesses to monitor the effectiveness of their affiliate programs closely.
  • Businesses can create highly customized affiliate programs tailored to their specific needs and goals.
  • Automated workflows reduce the time and effort required to manage affiliate programs, allowing users to focus on strategic activities.
  • Seamless integration with major E-commerce platforms ensures that Uppromote fits smoothly into existing business processes.
  • Uppromote is suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

What you won’t like:

  • Some of the more advanced functionalities may require a learning curve.
  • While it integrates well with e-commerce platforms, businesses operating outside of e-commerce may find limited integration options.


Start at $199.99/month

Evaluation & Selection Criteria

The evaluation of products or tools chosen for this article follows an unbiased, systematic approach that ensures a fair, insightful, and well-rounded review. This method employs six key factors:

User Reviews/Ratings: Direct user experiences, including ratings and feedback from reputable sites, provide a ground-level perspective. This feedback is critical in understanding overall satisfaction and potential problems.

Essential Features & Functionality: The value of a product is ascertained by its core features and overall functionality. Through an in-depth exploration of these aspects, the practical usefulness and effectiveness of the tools are carefully evaluated.

Ease of Use: The user-friendliness of a product or service is assessed, focusing on the design, interface, and navigation. This ensures a positive experience for users of all levels of expertise.

Customer Support: The quality of customer support is examined, considering its efficiency and how well it supports users in different phases – setting up, addressing concerns, and resolving operational issues.

Value for Money: Value for money is evaluated by comparing the quality, performance, and features. The goal is to help the reader understand whether they would be getting their money’s worth. 

Personal Experience/Expert’s Opinion or Favorites: This part of the evaluation criteria draws insightful observations from the writer’s personal experience and the opinions of industry experts.

Rise Above Competition with the Best E-Commerce Tools 

As more and more people demand comfort and convenience in their lives, I’m sure the e-commerce sector will continue to grow exponentially over the coming years. 

Being equipped with the best tools for e-commerce allows your business to stay ahead of the competition and offer 24×7 service to your existing and potential customers. I’m positive that the tools shared above will help you improve the different aspects of your online business. 

If you are looking to improve customer service for your online store, you can opt for ProProfs Help Desk. This cloud-based help desk support software will help you track every inquiry and interact with website visitors in real-time. 

FREE. All Features. FOREVER!

Try our Forever FREE account with all premium features!

About the author

The ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to improving your help desk operations with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.