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How SaaS Help Desk Software Helps in Achieving Business Goals

SaaS Help Desk Software

Lead generation, sales, and operations continue to be the top business goals, but customer service is the foundation of organizational success.

Without offering a delightful service experience to customers, your business may suffer in the long-run, since dissatisfied customers can jeopardize your business.

Customer service processes are complex, which include handling a flood of tickets, interacting with multiple departments for issue resolution, etc. This is where you realize the importance of help desk software.

Before we discuss how SaaS help desk software enables you to accomplish your business objectives, let us quickly learn what a help desk software tool is. Basically, it is a tool that aids customer support teams to track requests of end users and effectively resolve customer-care related issues.

1. Business Goal – Profitability

No business can survive for long without making profits. It’s not difficult to maintain profitability; you just need to ensure that your business revenue exceeds costs.

Focus on controlling operational costs and maintaining the profit margin at the same time. A help desk ticketing system, like ProProfs Help Desk, minimizes your customer support costs by up to 80%. A customer support tool integrated with Knowledge Base reduces tickets, as they enable customers to help themselves.

2. Business Goal – Productivity

Employee happiness boosts productivity by about 12%.

Your business cannot grow without productive employees and this makes productivity – one of the key organizational goals. Employing a help desk software helps to make employees happier and productive. They can resolve tickets faster and focus on how to make customer service better.

A shared inbox feature in the customer service tool allows both individuals and teams to view tickets at the same time. They learn who is working on what and refrain from working on the same issue. Collaborative teamwork leads to faster ticket resolution, which in turn boosts operational efficiency.

3. Business Goal – Employee Retention

A growing attrition rate is a key challenge that companies face today. Employees are the most valuable organizational assets, so you don’t want your employees to leave you when they rate high on the performance scale.

Employee turnover costs money due to lost productivity and then there are recruiting costs too.

Failing to maintain a productive environment for your human resources may prove detrimental to your business. Realizing this, businesses employ various customer support tools in order to ease the work process of an employee.

These tools reduce the workload of customer support teams through canned responses and rule-based automated messages.

4. Business Goal – Customer Service

Amazon.com is considered the undoubted leader in internet retailing and customer satisfaction. In the words of Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO:

We are not satisfied until it’s 100%

This example of the e-commerce giant should indicate that your customer support team must never settle for 99%.

Delighting your customers should be the primary objective of your business, as they bring you more revenues. Seventy percent of companies believe it is cheaper to retain customers than acquiring new ones. Considering the relevance of customer service, companies are increasingly using customer support tools, among which help desk software is a key tool.

Integration with online survey tools is another benefit of help desk software that you come across at the time of ProProfs Help Desk review. The customer service tool is integrated with survey maker to capture real-time customer feedback.

Through this, customer success managers and system administrators can monitor help desk ratings, improve feedback, and train agents according to their performance. Further, customers expect timely responses to their queries and requests. The customer support tool ensures there is quicker ticket resolution without customers having to wait for long.

5. Business Goal – Change Management

Another primary business objective is change management. This means preparing your organization for growth and creating processes to deal with a developing marketplace.

By foreseeing future changes, an organization can effectively meet industry challenges. With a helpdesk ticketing system in place, the technology can quickly bring change management in your organization.

Your business grows with better agent productivity and customer delight. The software enables you to track, handle, and resolve customer queries effectively. It helps to streamline customer support process; making your agent’s life easy.

6. Business Goal – Customer Retention

Imagine you are an airline company and your customers are rapidly moving away to your competitors. That is when you realize there is a serious problem with your “customer retention”. Remember customer retention is another crucial business goal.

Your customers may be encountering issues due to the “7Ps of Marketing Mix” (product, price, promotion, place, physical evidence, process, and people). Airlines belong to the service industry and “people” matter the most in the service sector.

Organizations need to develop the habit of thinking about the people inside and outside the business.

Employees are responsible for varied business activities like marketing, operations, finance, and sales. Technology enables you to do the best for people inside and outside your organization. When your agents are happy, efficient, and productive, customers feel satisfied and refrain from brand switching.

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About the author

The ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to improving your help desk operations with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.