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12 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Turn Silences Into Sales

Sales Follow Up Email Templates

Sometimes, in life, you may not hit the target on the first attempt. And who knows this better than a sales representative? 

After the first contact with a prospect, they may not be fully convinced to buy your product or service. This is where sales follow-up emails can help reignite their interests and push them to desired actions. 

Whether you’re a seasoned sales professional or new to the game, this blog will help you understand the nuances of follow-up emails, offering you templates that are both effective and easy to personalize. 

Let’s dive in! 

What Are Sales Follow-Up Emails?

Sales follow-up emails are a crucial component of the sales process, acting as a bridge to maintain communication with potential customers after initial contact has been made. 

These emails serve several important purposes, including nurturing leads, providing additional information, addressing concerns, and ultimately guiding prospects through the sales funnel toward making a purchase. 

The goal of sales follow-up emails is to encourage action, whether it’s making a purchase, scheduling another meeting, or taking another step in the sales process. Effective follow-up emails have clear calls-to-action (CTA) that guide prospects on what to do next.

12 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Try This Year

From establishing a connection with a prospect who’s gone cold to expressing gratitude post-purchase, this section reveals 12 templates that can get the job done. 

But what’s the best way to store and access all these follow-up templates? You can use shared inbox software to create and save as many templates as you want. Your sales agents can simultaneously access inboxes like sales@, orders@, inquiries@, etc., and collaborate with each other using internal notes

1. When the Prospect Disappears

This template is designed for re-establishing contact with prospects who have gone silent. It emphasizes a positive tone and understanding, avoiding any expression of frustration while leaving the door open for future interactions.

Subject: Just Checking In – Hope All Is Well!


I hope you are doing well and things are great on your end. It’s been a while since we last connected, and I wanted to check in to see how everything is going with you.

Sometimes, we don’t hear back from our contacts for one of two reasons: it’s not the right time for them, or they’ve decided to go in a different direction. We completely understand and respect your decision either way.

Given our policy to keep files active for only a certain period, I’ll be closing your file shortly. However, I would love the opportunity to reconnect in the future and explore how we can support each other.

Should you have any questions or wish to discuss potential opportunities, please feel free to reach out. I’m looking forward to the possibility of working together down the line.

Best wishes,

2. The Quick Check-In

This email follow-up example is perfect for a light touchpoint, especially after an initial meeting or conversation. It can be used to remind the prospect of your presence and eagerness to assist without being overbearing.

Subject: Quick Touch Base – How’s Everything?


I hope this message finds you well! Just wanted to quickly touch base following our recent conversation to see if there’s anything more I can help you with.

Your insights during our chat were incredibly valuable, and I’m keen to continue our discussion or answer any lingering questions you might have about our [product/service].

Please feel free to share your thoughts, or if now’s not a good time, let me know when might be more convenient for you. Your satisfaction and success are our top priorities.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

3. Following Up After No Response

This template is crafted for situations where your emails have gone unanswered. It combines professionalism with a gentle nudge for a response, emphasizing understanding and flexibility.

Subject: Hoping to Reconnect – Your Thoughts?


I hope you’re doing well. I’ve reached out a couple of times regarding our [product/service] and haven’t heard back, which tells me one of three things:

1. You’re incredibly busy and haven’t had a chance to respond.
2. You’re no longer interested in our [product/service].
3. You’ve been swept away to a desert island and haven’t had internet access. (I hope it’s not the third!)

We understand how things can get hectic, and I want to ensure we respect your time and priorities. If you’re still interested in learning more about how we can assist, I’d love to hear from you. Otherwise, no worries at all – just let me know, and I’ll ensure we adjust our follow-ups accordingly.

Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Warm regards,

4. The Helpful Resource Share

This template is designed to provide value to the prospect by sharing relevant resources or insights. The idea is to establish your credibility and keep the lines of communication open without directly pushing for a sale.

Subject: Thought You Might Find This Interesting


I hope you’re finding everything to your liking this week! I recently came across this [article/video/report] on [relevant topic], and it made me think of our conversation about [specific detail or challenge they mentioned].

I thought you might find it interesting and potentially helpful as you navigate through [related topic or challenge]. Here’s the link: [Link to resource].

If you’re up for it, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this or discuss any questions you might have. Also, if there’s anything specific you’re interested in learning more about, let me know. I’m here to help!

Wishing you a great day ahead.


5. The Gentle Follow-up After a Meeting

Perfect for following up after a recent meeting or presentation, this template helps reinforce your key points and offers further assistance, ensuring the prospect knows you’re available to support their needs.

Subject: Reflecting on Our Meeting on [Date]


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me [yesterday/earlier this week]. It was a pleasure learning more about your goals regarding [specific goal] and discussing how our [product/service] can support your efforts.

I’ve attached a brief summary of the key points we covered, along with answers to some of the questions that came up. [Optionally, attach a document or provide a link.]

Please feel free to reach out if you need further clarification on anything we discussed or have any more questions. I’m here to ensure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for your [company/project].

Looking forward to our next steps together.

Warm regards,

6. Re-engaging After Time Has Passed

This follow-up email template aims to rekindle a connection with a prospect after a significant amount of time has passed since your last interaction. The idea is to offer new insights or updates about your product/service to grab the attention of prospects again. 

Subject: New Updates You Might Be Interested In


I hope all is well with you. It’s been a while since we last touched base, and I thought it might be a good time to share some exciting updates about [product/service] that have happened in the meantime.

Since we last spoke, we’ve [implemented a new feature/seen great results with a new study/received positive feedback from clients], and I believe this could really benefit your [specific need or project] by [briefly describe the benefit].

I’d be more than happy to catch up and discuss how these updates might positively impact your work. Let me know if you’re open to a conversation, and we can pencil in a time that suits you.

Looking forward to the possibility of reconnecting and exploring new opportunities together.

Best wishes,

7. The Polite Persistence

Tailored for instances where you’ve sent several messages without a response, this template strikes a balance between persistence and respect for the prospect’s situation, signaling your continued interest in a polite manner.

Subject: Hey, [Prospect Name]! Still Hoping to Connect With You


I hope you’re doing well. I realize I’ve reached out a few times without hearing back, and I want to ensure I’m not overstepping. Our goal is to be a resource for you, not a source of unwanted communication.

That said, I still believe strongly in the value [product/service] can offer to [specific aspect of their business or challenge], and I’d hate for you to miss out on the opportunity without having all the information.

If it’s a matter of timing or current priorities, I completely understand. Just let me know if and when you’d like to revisit this conversation. If there’s someone else on your team who would be better to speak with, feel free to point me in their direction.

Thank you for considering my request. I’m looking forward to your feedback when it’s convenient for you.

Warmest regards,

8. The Check-in Before a Deadline

This template is designed for use when there’s an upcoming deadline that could affect the prospect’s decision or opportunity to take advantage of an offer, ensuring they have all the necessary information to proceed.

Subject: Reminder: [Deadline/Opportunity] Approaching


I hope you’re doing well. As the [deadline for the special offer/end of the quarter/etc.] approaches, I wanted to check in and see if you had any last-minute questions or needed further clarification about [product/service].

We wouldn’t want you to miss out on the chance to [benefit of the offer, e.g., “take advantage of our current promotion”/”secure your spot in our upcoming webinar”].

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist in your decision-making process. I’m here to help with any information or resources you might require.

Looking forward to your response.


9. The Invitation to an Event

Use this template to invite your prospects to an upcoming event that could be of interest to them. For example, the event can be a webinar, trade show, or open house. It’s an excellent opportunity to engage in a different setting.

Subject: Exclusive Invitation: Join Us at [Event Name]


I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to personally invite you to [event name], happening on [date] at [location/time]. It’s going to be a great opportunity to explore [topics to be covered/what they can expect to learn], and I immediately thought of you.

[Optional: If there’s a special offer or guest speaker, mention it here.]

I believe you’d find great value in attending, and it would also be a fantastic chance for us to connect in person.

Please let me know if you’re interested, and I can arrange for your complimentary ticket/registration. Also, feel free to share this invitation with anyone else from your team who might benefit from attending.

Looking forward to hopefully seeing you there!

Best regards,

10. Expressing Gratitude After a Purchase or Commitment

This template is perfect for expressing sincere thanks to a prospect who has recently made a purchase or committed to your service. It can help you foster a positive relationship and set the stage for future engagement.

Subject: Thank You for Choosing [Your Company/Product]!


I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for choosing [product/service]. We’re thrilled to have you on board and are excited about the journey ahead.

[Optional: You can include a brief overview of what they can expect next, such as any onboarding processes, product delivery timelines, or customer support information.]

If you have any questions or need further assistance as you get started, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to ensure you have the best possible experience.

Thank you once again for your trust in us. We’re looking forward to achieving great things together.

Warmest regards,

11. Offering Personalized Assistance

This template emphasizes personalized support, offering to address specific questions or concerns the prospect may have about your product or service. It’s ideal for moving them closer to a decision.

Subject: Hello, [Prospect Name]! How Can I Assist You Further?


I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out and offer my personal assistance as you consider [product/service]. I understand that making such decisions can involve numerous factors, and I’m here to provide the information you need to make the most informed choice.

Whether you have questions about features, pricing, implementation, or anything else, please feel free to share. I’m here to help in any way I can, including setting up a demo or providing detailed case studies relevant to your industry.

Your success and satisfaction are our top priorities, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this personalized support. I’m looking forward to your questions and helping you discover the full potential of [product/service].


12. Reiterating Offer Before Expiry

This sales email follow up sample is useful when an offer or discount you’ve previously communicated is about to expire. It serves as a final reminder, encouraging the prospect to take action before missing out on the valuable opportunity. 

Subject: Final Reminder: Don’t Miss Out on Our [Offer/Discount]


I hope you’re doing well. As the deadline approaches, I wanted to send one last reminder about our exclusive [offer/discount] on [product/service], which expires on [expiration date].

This is a fantastic opportunity to [describe the benefit of the offer, e.g., “enhance your operations with our state-of-the-art solution” or “take your team’s productivity to the next level”] at a significantly reduced price.

If you have any lingering questions or would like to discuss how this offer can specifically benefit your business, I’m here to chat. Don’t let this chance slip by – [action they need to take, e.g., “reach out today to secure your discount” or “sign up before the deadline to take advantage of this deal”].

Thank you for considering [Your Company/Product]. We’re excited about the prospect of working together and supporting your [goals/objectives].

Warm regards,

Craft a Response-Worthy Follow-Up Email Today! 

Thoughtfully composed sales follow-up emails can help you elevate your sales strategy, turning silences into sales and interests into investments.

All the templates shared above are designed by industry experts, who have years of experience in revenue generation and customer relationships. Keep in mind that while templates are great for efficiency, they shouldn’t come across as impersonal to your recipients. Try to customize your messages, tailoring them to your prospects’ demographic details, such as age and location, as well as their shopping preferences.

If you are in search of a shared inbox solution for your sales team, consider ProProfs Help Desk as an optimal choice. It enables your sales rep to oversee multiple customer-facing email accounts like sales@, inquiries@, billings@, etc., all from a single platform, while also allowing you to store hundreds of templates for quick, one-click responses.

Learn More About Sales Follow-Up Email Templates 

Why are sales follow-up emails important?

Sales follow-up emails are vital because they keep the dialogue with prospects alive, gently nudging them down the sales funnel. They help in addressing concerns, providing additional information, and maintaining a connection, thereby significantly increasing the chances of converting leads into customers.

What should be included in a sales follow-up email template?

A sales follow-up email template should include a personalized greeting, a reference to the previous interaction, valuable content or information relevant to the recipient’s interests or needs, a clear call-to-action, and your contact information for easy replies or queries.

How do I personalize a sales follow-up email template?

Personalize a sales follow-up email by mentioning the recipient’s name, referencing specific past interactions or discussions, including tailored recommendations or solutions based on their unique needs, and addressing any concerns or questions they may have raised previously.

How often should I send follow-up emails?

The frequency of follow-up emails should be balanced to avoid overwhelming prospects while ensuring you remain in their thoughts. Typically, starting with a follow-up a few days after the initial contact, then spacing subsequent emails 1-2 weeks apart is effective, adjusting based on their engagement and feedback.

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About the author

The ProProfs Help Desk Editorial Team is a passionate group of customer service experts dedicated to improving your help desk operations with top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your customer support initiatives.